March 2021 Household Finances: “Deadlines and Bicycles”

March 2021 Household Finances: “Deadlines and Bicycles”

March felt a little like a down hill leg of a race for me and the family. Time is moving faster. I can feel it. I got into cycling at the beginning of the month, and it manifested itself into my wife and I purchasing entry level road bikes at a decent price at the end of the month. How’s that for a slippery slope? At work, my work load is reaching levels I haven’t felt in quite some time. It feels as though everything is getting brighter and better and I can’t remember a time I’ve been so optimistic for the summer.


Deadlines after deadlines peek out at me from my work calendar, like little dense rocks I must carry around with me everywhere I go. I sleep with these little rocks. I play with my kids with these little rocks. I’m always aware that something is needing to get done, and it can happen whenever I choose because I’m computer based. Beware what you wish for, I’m now telling myself; as it wasn’t too long ago I felt as if I were adrift in the basement of the company. A lonely employee number at a forgotten small job.

I’m now corresponding daily with VP’s and division presidents and a whole assortment of friendly co-workers who hungrily await my humble schedules. While this new role fills a void of mine (read: ego), it leaves me with very little time. I feel important now. I feel appreciated at work. People tell me good job and thanks. And it feels damn good. Who would have known a couple of words could make me feel so content? Am I that fragile?

Still, I know its a trap, as I’ve tasted the forbidden fruit called FIRE, I’ve awakened from the matrix, but nonetheless I’ll revel in this selfish ego filling meal as long as it lasts, because what’s the other option? Be unhappy with work? I’ve had enough of that, and I’m sure there will be stormy days ahead. Right now work is good, and recognizing that is half the battle.


We’ve kept at our scheme of utilizing our custom “risky” version of the classic Boglehead 3 leg portfolio: Total Stock, Small Cap, International. The March index returns also makes our portfolio feel as though it’s on a down hill leg, though down hill in this case is higher valuations. Still investing 50% of our income. We are tracking nicely to our FI goal and lately I’ve felt myself shift from looking too far out ahead and more to the present, as the present has become more enjoyable with work.

We haven’t purchased any individual stocks in March. My fingers still burn a bit from my last purchase of TDOC and CHGG, though mentally I know buying some growth stocks is the right choice. April will probably see us buy a few growth stocks, likely out of favor tech or some banks will get picked up.

As discussed on last month’s finance post, we purchased an outdoor dining table for $130. With chairs it totaled $200 bucks and was totally worth it. We use it to eat outside as much as we can, and now that I’m working at home three days a week, I’ll have a morning cup of coffee out there and enjoy the spring birdsong and brisk morning sun. And if its just checking email, I’ll sit out there in the afternoon while the kids run around. We have a set of comfy patio furniture, lounge chairs and a love seat that we bought 8 years ago or so. The couches are in great condition still, as we cover them every winter and on the hotter days, but we’d been lacking a place to eat and work. You know, all the upright things that you can do while sitting in a backyard.

Next up will be a fire pit before July 4th. Nothing fancy, just something that puts out a flame and that we can gather round as a family.


As far as the bikes go, I’m hella happy about the purchase. It’s a Giant bike and it exactly what I’d like in an entry level. We bought at some mom and pop stores around the bay. I’ve been wanting a bike for some time, years actually, but never pulled the trigger for a variety of reasons. First it was the type of bike I wanted, then the question was would I ever use it and when? But this time the stars aligned and it felt right. Plus my 7 year old just learned to ride and now we’ve gone on a few father daughter rides already.

My wife’s gym has a cycling club and they meet around the bay every other week. So we spur of the moment decided to hit up one of these meets. We borrowed some road bikes from her friend and had a blast at the meet. I’d never ridden a road bike before, and once I got comfortable with the bike’s characteristics I found it thrilling to be speeding around in a group down roads and trails. As far as hobbies go, I don’t have many. Drinking and sporting events, really any social function, were a big hobby of mine pre-sobriety. I camp and hike every summer. But I’ve been looking for something I can do for an hour or two on a weekend morning that didn’t require driving far and allowed me to take care of chores the same day. The blog is a great hobby, but it doesn’t fill the need for sunshine endeavors. I wanted something that didn’t revolve around beer. So far I’m enamored with cycling and I hope to have a summer full of riding.

As I write this, I received the second dose of Moderna yesterday, on April 2nd (not really a March item, forgive me) and the effects hit me hard over the weekend. So this post will be a bit shorter, as a good anime and blanket might hit the spot right now till I fully recover. Mostly just fatigue, headache, and chills. Nothing severe. I think I might have forgotten what it’s like to feel under the weather, so I need to man up and be thankful its not a real virus making me feel like this.

I also couldn’t let two weeks go by with no post.

March Finances

Uncle Sam- Very much a ball park figure in a plus or minus a thousand range. Still have another property tax installment due in November too. An outlier for March. Luckily, we planned for this and saved for it. This chunk o’ change came out of our cash cushion. I opened up a Hilton Surpass card and used that to pay our property tax.

Childcare- Lower than usual as I’m now working from home 3 days a week. Working from home is one of the great joys of this present time in my life. No commute. I enjoy coffee from home. The kids are around. And really, I’m hella more productive. I get way more done at home than at work for some odd reason. Maybe because I’m happier, get more sleep, don’t have a commute to wear me down, don’t have office nonsense chatter, and spend my commute time at the computer. Anyway, I love it and if they give me the option to do this schedule making thing full time, I’ll do it. Running jobs be damned.

If I deduct the line item for taxes, we’re running right about normal at $6K a month. Which is right where I want to be. I go into work two times a week and I buy a $1.35 coffee each day from a mom and pop store after a morning stroll around the block to stretch my legs. I feel myself sort of loosening up in a good way and getting into my groove. There would have been a time I lamented the coffee, and road bike, or outdoor dining set purchases. I’m seeing an acute change in minor spending related to the happiness I feel at work at the moment. What I’ve bought with my March purchases are joy and quality of life. Save 50%. That’s all I need to do. That’s all I can do. And most importantly, it’s all I want to do at the moment.

How was your March? Other than blogging/reading blogs, what kind of hobbies do you enjoy doing? What are you looking forward to now the weather is getting better?

8 thoughts on “March 2021 Household Finances: “Deadlines and Bicycles”

  1. man, i miss my road bike. it was an entry level bridgestone and they haven’t made them since the 90’s. i remember i moved and asked a friend to fetch it from my old apt. where my roommates lived and he never did. well done on finding a replacement hobby. it’s funny what you can afford when you let go of some expensive habits.

    sounds like you are really in a a good groove with life lately. enjoy the hell out of that while it lasts. mrs. smidlap and i are feeling a little funky and achy after those vaccines too. i have one shot to go in 10 more days. feel better, bro.

    1. Very true about affording anything once you can get your money life squared away. Too bad about the bike. I bet its worth a ton now. I can’t believe how much those older “vintage” bikes are going for on craigslist–actually, any bike on craigslist is pretty pricey out in these parts.

      Yeah things are coming together nicely. When I plan for the unexpected, nothing unexpected happens… funny how that works. I’m feeling better already. I was down for the count Saturday. Sunday I just had a slight headache. And today Monday I’m brand new. I think I was dehydrated too. I should have drank more water like they’d told me to do. I also tried to fight through it with no tylenol like a dummy. Soon as I popped the tylenol I was way better. Good luck with yours!! And thanks for the comment as always.

  2. Glad you’re enjoying the meg gig and feeling appreciated. That’s always a treat for sure. I’m envious of your new bikes. I ordered my entry level mountain bike in January and it doesn’t arrive until June? Totally insane as they’re are just no bikes in the supply chain up here. Anyway, I can’t wait to get on it. There 1000s of miles of trails up here, so it will be awesome.

    My March was good and looking forward to the lakes opening up for fishing in a few weeks and planning a domestic “walkabout” to go visit friends in a couple of nearby states.

    1. Yeah the gig is turning out to be an unexpected gift to my life! And to think I thought I was getting laid off when they sent me to the main office…

      Oh man nice to hear you’re getting some wheels too! The bike shops here said there was a bike drought for the last year or so and they just restocked across the region in the last month, so I got lucky it seems. Thats gonna be so much fun biking on those trails. Dirt bike riding is big out here in Norcal too, they all ride with bells to warn the snakes over here. Fishing sounds real good. So many outdoor options for you out there in the country! You’re making me jealous!

  3. As you know, my March was insane closing on the house – but enough of that.

    Road biking is cool. My dad is a big cyclist and always wanted me to get into it. I’ve been more of a runner in my life, even though I hate the running itself, but I was really into Spartan races, so all the obstacles and terrain make it fun for me. However I had foot surgery last April and it still hasn’t fully healed. So everyone has recommended I switch to cycling instead. We’ll see. Once I get the house squared away I’m setting up my garage gym to at lease get all-around-fit again.

    Glad you’re enjoying the working-from-home. It’s been a life changer for me as well.

    “Thank you” – it is amazing how many doors those two words will open. People don’t realize what power lies in showing a little gratitude to another human. Good point you touch upon.

    1. Yeah this will be a March you’ll always remember. You chose a great season to move too, spring. I was moving in the drizzling cold rain of December. Well, I guess its spring year round down in LA haha.’
      Yeah the biking is surprisingly hella fun. I mean, I knew biking is fun, but it makes me feel like a kid again zipping through the neighborhood. But this time i get a great workout in the process. You should give it a whirl. I bet your dad can give you all sorts of tips and advice. I don’t know anyone who cycles so I’ve been googling for tips. I just signed up for a Spartan race in June out here, funny you bring that up…well, I should say my wife signed me up. That’ll be cool getting the garage set up as a gym.

      Yes work from home is the best thing thats happened to me in a long long time. I’m actually glad I found FIRE prior to the work from home shift or else I may not have gotten started on the FIRE path so easily. After nearly two decades of commuting, to not have to sit in my car for hours each day is a real blessing. Thank you really is a magic word. It’s probably been over a year since a higher up at work told me “Thank you” and I didn’t even realize it. When I first started hearing it again I was like who are you talking to? Me? Pointing to my chest and looking around behind me Lol

      Thanks for commenting!!

  4. Congratulations on getting a new bike! I live in the Bay Area as well and there are a lot of trails. However, I rarely bike. I guess I am wasting my tax dollars 🙂

    I noticed that your internet and PG&E bills are similar to mine as well. Things are getting quite expensive.

    1. Thanks. I’m super happy about he bike too!! I even went for a ride after work. Yeah we’re we live people come from all over to cycle. And the cars are used to riders on the road it seems.

      Isn’t internet so high out here!!?? And PGE just raised their rates a few months back. I’ve noticed gas too, $4 a gallon right by my house. And homes prices… I sure hope it’s not inflation peaking out at us.

      Thanks for commenting Thomas!

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