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Tag: Retire Early

Saving More In A High Cost of Living Area

Saving More In A High Cost of Living Area

I live 42 miles from downtown San Francisco where I’ve worked for the vast majority of my career. My commute on average is 3 hours a day. 1 hour in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. This equates to 32.5 days of commuting a year. I believe I’m being as efficient as possible with my money by choosing to live in a “cheaper” suburb, but is commuting to work really the most optimal way to live in a high…

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How We Achieved a 50% Savings Rate In Just 2 Months

How We Achieved a 50% Savings Rate In Just 2 Months

In two months we were able to increase our savings rate from 25% of our net income to 50%. Since we gave ourselves a 7 year deadline to call it quits from the rat race, the importance of jacking up our savings rate in a timely manner was number one on our FI course correction list. Achieving a 50% savings rate in such a short amount of time is not impossible, as long as you don’t have a lot of…

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The Happily Disengaged Origin Story

The Happily Disengaged Origin Story

In 2015, at the ripe old age of 32, I was promoted to the position I’d been striving for since I decided to make construction a career. I bought a nice home in a nice part of town that same year. My wife also achieved success in her job, rising through the ranks from receptionist to become an HR manager. Things were good. Things were better than good, they were great. Life was great. The American dream was being dreamed….

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